Wednesday, January 9, 2008



I Attended for Infosys exam on 22nd Feb. My exam is online test. dont worry about the online test. its very easy.
Regarding the pattern: paper consists of two sections. one is reasoning {verbal and nonverbal rs.aggrawal} and the other section is English
1st Section: 30qs [45 mins] {order of questions may not be the same}1: Data sufficiency: 5marks
2: logical reasoning:
ex:a) all elephants are wild
b)all lions are wild
c)all lions are elephants
like that 5 statements are given and 5 options are there
1)abc 2)abd 3)dcb 4)dad 5)cdb
and options are not exactly correct but I gave u some idea. I Think we have to choose one alternative in which the third statement is implied by the first two statements.Like that we get 5 qs
3)odd figure outfive
figs are given :four are alike in some manner and one is differnt. select the odd figure [classification chapter in non-verbal rs aggarwal]
4)one puzzle:pls go through the puzzle test chapter in rs agarwalI get the puzzle on comparison type question.
Verbal and non verbal rs agrawal book:pgno 272 27-31.that same question I get
5)another question is from direction sense test.5 qsquestion is like p walks 10 meters towards south and reached q and turns towards his left like that
I dont remember exactly the question. But the point I want to tell the people is pls go through the direction sense test also
6)data interpretation 5qs
***** instead of data interpretation our before batch get cube problems of 5marks ******so go through both data interpretation and cube problems
English:40qs [30 mins]
1) two paragraphs for 10 marks
2) correction of sentences
3) some gramatical questions based on tenses

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