Saturday, February 16, 2008


1). Piggy backing is a technique for
a) Flow control b) sequence c) Acknowledgement d)retransmition
ans: c piggy backing
2). The layer in the OST model handles terminal emulation
a) session b) application c) presentation d) transport
ans: b application
3) ans: a odd numbers of errors
4)Q. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum valuethat can berepresented with 8 bits
a) -128 b) -255 c) -127 d) 0 ANS a)
5) c 20(no of address lines in 1MB of memory)
6) a 120(25 hz processor,what is the time taken by theinstr whichneeds 3 clock cycles)
7) b synchronise the access(semaphores used for)
8) a system call(context switching is used in)
9) b the operating system(mapping of virtual tophysical address)
10) a 177333(conversion of HEX "0xFEDB"in octal)
11) d used as a network layer protocall in network andwindows(OLE)system
12) b has to be unique in the sub network(internetaddress)
13)Q. there is an employer table with key feilds as employer no.datain everyn'th row are needed for a simple following queries will getrequiredresults.
a) select A employe no. from employe A , where exists fromemploye Bwhere A employe no. >= B employe having (count(*) mod n)=0b) select employe no. from employe A, employe B whereA employe no. >= B employ no. grouply employe no. having(count(*)mod n=0 )c) both a& bd)none of the above
14)Q. type duplicates of a row in a table customer with nonuniform keyfeildcustomer no. you can see
a) delete from costomer where customer no. exists( select distinct customer no. from customer having count )b) delete customer a where customer no. in(select customer b where custermer no. equal to b custemor no. )and arowid >b rowidc) delete customer a where custermor no. in( select customer no. from customer a, customer b )d) none of the above
15) which feature in ANSI C but not in JAVA.??ANS variablearguments.
16)preprocessor does not do one of the following??ANS typechecking.
17) long int sizea) 4 bytes b) 2 bytes c) compiler dependent d) 8 bytesans: compiler dependent
18) x=2,y=6,z=6x=y==z;printf(%d",x) ?ANS 1
19) class c : public A,publicBa)2 members in class a,b can have member functions with samename.b)2 members in class a,c can have member functions with samename.c)bothd)none(ANS)
20) main(){char *p;p=malloc(10);free(p);printf("%d",p);}ANS compilation error
21)a=(10,15)b=10,15what are the values of a & b in ANSI CANS 15,10
22)main(){int x=10,y=15,z=16;x=y==z;printf("%d",x);ANS 0
23)f(n) f(x){if(x<=0)return;else f(x-1)+x;}find the value of fn(5)? ANS 15. 24)struct {int det;struct prevoius;struct new;}delete(struct node){node-prev-next=node-next;node-next-prev=node-prev;if(node==head)node}one element will be given.ANS::it does not work when rp is the last element in the linklist. 25)A code will be given which searches a particular char in thestring.ANS:: it always works. 26)main(){int var =25,varp;varp=&var;varp p=10;fnc(varp);printf("%d%d",var,varp);}ANS::55,55 (check this out) 27)#define VALUE 1+2main(){printf("%d and %d\n",VALUE/VALUE,VALUE*3);}ANS:: 5,7 28)What is the value assigned to the variable a if b is 7a=b>8?b<<2:b>4?b>>1:b;ANS::3
29)the value of the following expr (2^3)+(a^a) isa) 1 b)2 c) 3 d) insufficient data
30) which of the following is not basic data typeANS char*
31)the declaration of the variable does not result in one of thefollowingANS allocatrion of the storage space for the varable.
32)in C parameters are passed byANS:: value only.
33)2 variables cannot have the same name if they areANS:: in the same block.
34)a static funct. say s(),in as file f.c can be invoked fromANS all functs. in f.c after the definitions of s.
35)macros and functions do not differ in the following aspectsANS::variable no of arguments.
36)one q's in which he will give some different forms of STRCPYfunction youwill have to find out which form is correct.

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