Saturday, February 2, 2008


Questions 1-3 are based on the following:

In a group there are five persons A,B,C,D and E. There
is a sitarist, a professor and a sports person in
thegroup. E is the husband of a member of the
group.This couple is the only married couple in the
group. B is the brother of C. B is neither a professor
nor a sports person. None of the women is either a
sitarist or a sports person. A and D are unmarried and
neither of them is a sitarist or a professsor or a
sports person.

1. Which of the following people is E's wife?

1]A 2]B 3]C 4]D

2. Who is a sports person?

1]A 2]E 3]B 4]C

3. Who is a sitarist?

1]B 2]A 3]C 4]D

4. In a factory, 'a' men work 'b' hours a day and
produce 'c' articles each day. If 'd' men are
released, how many hours a day will the remaining men
have to work to produce 'c'articles each day?

1]ab/d 2]ab/b 3]a-d/b 4]ab/a-d

5. A county cricket team has won 10 matches and lost
4. If these matches represent 70% of the matches to be
played, how many more matches should the team win so
as to have a record of 75% iwns?

1]5 2]6 3]4 4]3

For questions 6-10, read the passage and answer the
questions that follow:

At a time when impressive breakthroughs in
technology are providing new and better products and
services, when improved communications are
transforming thw world into a global village, and when
democracies are sprouting in former communist lands,
we are simultaneously witnessing events that makie us
questioin whether so much progress is indeed
For example, we see reports of widespread
bribery by Italina and Japanese government officials,
exorbitant salaries for executives in North America,
extensive environmental pollution in eastern Europe,
and other instances of immoral or morally questionable
conduct in our organizations. In many otherwise
prospeous and afluent cities, we see an increase in
the numbers of homeless people. Even those who are
fortunate enough to have a job find that work is not
only not an opportunity for growth, but a source of
anxiety and insecurity.
In the popular media as well as in academic
journals, we see great interest in the proposition
that business and other organizations leaders need to
become more responsible not just ot their stock
jolders but also to other stake holders- consumers,
employees, suppliers,government, and locla communites.
Put simply, the quality of life and perhaps the
survivial of society depend on the moral caliber of
its members. This moral caliber, however, is largely
determined by people in leadership positions. The way
leaders function in their positions of influence
directly contributes to strengthening pr weakening the
moral fiber or society. The lives of Buddha, Mohammed,
Lao-Tzu, Gandhi and Socrates attest to their salutary
influence in their own way as well as for all time.
A human being functions not just through the
physical body but also through the use of the
intellect and the will. The intellect penetrates those
deep levels of reality that are spiritual in nature
but that the physical senses and processes cannot
access. It does this through abstract concepts and
ideas that help to make sense of and give meaning to
the acts in the light of spiritual knowledge. It helps
us to make moral choices in living a spiritually
guided life.
How do we describe the concept of spirituality
and its place in that domain? Spirituality is
difficult to define in a manner that is universally
acceptablke because religious beliefs and rites differ
widely age to age and from one society to another.
However, if we analyze the spiritual experience per se
and its behavioral manifestations among individuals of
different religious backgrounds, there is much accord
on the understanding and appreciation of the essence
of spirit at three levels: cognitive, affective, and
outward behavior.
At a cognitive level,spiritual experience
represents a realization that,a t the core of human
existence, there is set of virtues and vices. Virtues
- prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance- are
good habits that enable us to stirve toward relizng
our full potential. Ideally, the goal of human life is
to live these values and overcome the vices.
At an affective or emotional level, the spiritual
experience represents a complete trust and dependence
on such virtues. In its most sublime, the spiritual
experience represents a complete identification with
these values,or with an individual embodying these
values, tha aim being to achieve some forme of
enduring blissful state of existence.
How is the spiritual experience expressed in
outward behavior? What are the sources of the norms
andd principles within the spiritual domain? Response
to such questions generally come from prescriptions of
moral observance of the laws. It is not a question of
an act being legal or illegal, but whether the act is
good or evil. A morally good act is necessarily an
expression of a spirtual act.
The ability to distinguish between morally good
and evil acts is critical to the formation of
character. Knowing ehtical principles alone is of
little value unless we make an effort to habitually
incorporate these principles in our behaviour.
In the final analysis, the reward of the
spiritual experience is that it enables each
individual to grow and fully realize the tremendous
potential unique to that person. If a good moral
character is of the essence of every human being,
thern with much greater reason does it become so of
leaders who, in the words of Stanford management
professor Harold Leavitt, by their "vision, values,
and determination, add soul to the organization".

6. The author does not consider the progress made as
'progress' as there is

1]widespread corruption. 2]environmental
3]widespread poverty. 4]all of the above.

7. The author draws the analogy of Buddha and Gandhi
to emphasize that

1]organizational leaders need to be more
2]a society is known by its leader(s).
3]the quality of a society is determined by the
quality of its leader(s).
4]survival of the leader is determined by its

8. According to the passage

1]academic journals advocate progress in society.
2]there is extensive environmental pollution in
3]affluent cities witness the greatest number of
homeless people.
4]breakthroughs in technology have transformed the
world into a global village.

9. If a person follows certain values as principles,
then he is appreciating the essence of spirit at the

1]cognitive level. 2]emotional level.
3]social level. 4]both 2&3.

10. The author is likely to agree with all of the
following except

1]knowledge of ethical values will lead to the full
realization fo one's potential.
2]spiritual acceptance of values by the individuals
of the society will lead to its progress.
3]a morally good act is an expression of
4]man functions through both body and mind.

11. Derek and Saily together have $300. After giving
Saily $40, Derek finds that he has 1/4 tha amount that
Saily has. How much money does Derek have now?

1]$60 2]$100 3]$80 4]$40

12.Jason purchased 60 shares of Trump corporation sat
$40 and later bought 40 more at $36. At what price
should he purchase 50 additional shares so that the
average cost of the shares is $35?

1]$26.40 2]$20.50 3]$28.20 4]$29.00

13. Mike loves hiking. He starts from point A and
walks 4 miles due east to point B. from there he walks
3 miles south to point C. From point C he walks 8
miles east to point D and from there he walks 6 miles
west to point E. What is the shortest distance between
point A and point E?

1]8 miles 2]5 miles 3]7 miles 4]6.7 miles

Questions 14-15 are based on the following:

The inhabitants of Kya-Kya island always answer any
question with two sentences; one of which is true and
the other is false.

14. You are looking for Venkat's house and you meet
three people- Anand, Ravi and Som. You ask them "Which
is Venkat's house?"

Anand says:Venkat's house is No.9, I am his
Ravi says:Anand is not my neighbour.Anand and Som
live in the same house.
Som says:Venkat's house is not No.9. Anand is Ravi's
There are only two houses and four people
in Kya-Kya. Two people live in each house.

From the above you can decide that

1]Venakt stays in house No.9
2]Venkat does not stay in house No.9
3]Venakt does not stay in Kya-Kya.
4]Ravi and Som stay together.

15. Who stays with Anand?

1]Ravi 2]Venkat 3]Som 4]Can't say.

Questions 16-17 are based on the following:

The average life expectancy for the United States
population as a whole is 73.9 years, but children born
in Hawaii will live an average of 77 years, and those
born in Louisiana,71.7 years. If a newly wed couple
from Louisiana were to begin their family in Hawaii,
their children would live longer than if the couple
began their family to Louisiana.

16. Which of the following, if true, would most
seriously weaken the conclusion drawn in the passage?

1]Insurance company statisticians do not believe that
moving to Hawaii will significantly lengthen the
average Louisianian's life.
2]The governor of Louisiana has falsely alleged that
statistics of his state are inaccurate.
3]The longevity attributed to Hawaii's current
population is attributed mostly to genetically
determined factors.
4]Thirty percent of all Louisianians can expect to
live longer than 77 years.

17. Which of the following, if true, would most
significantly strengthen the conclusion drawn in the

1]As population density increases in Hawaii,life
expectancy figures for the state are likely to be
revised downward.
2]Environmental factors tending to favor longevity
are abundant in Hawaii and less numerous in Louisiana.
3]Over the last decade, average life expectancy has
risen at a higher rate for Louisianians than for
4]Twnty-five percent of all Louisianians who move to
Hawaii live longer than 22 years.

For questions 18-21,read the following paragraph:

Nursery "Hara Bara" plans to undertake a project of
planting 100 sunflower plants daily for the next 100
weeks.Further,15% of the remaining plants die within 4
weeks of plantations.If a plant survives till the end
of 4th week it becomes available for sale, and the
company sells it iommediately at the beginning of the
next week at a fixed price of Rs.35 per plant.

18. Total number of plants sold by the end of 10 weeks

1]4760 2]2730 3]4550 4]2856

19. Total revenue generated by the nursery(in Rs.000s)
from the project is

1]1666.0 2]1592.5 3]1246.0 4]None of these.

20. Revenue generated by the nursery by the end of
50th week is what proportion of total revenue
generated by the project?

1]48.2% 2]46% 3]50% 4]53%

21. A pesticide available in the market reduces the
number of plants dying within 4 weeks of plantation by
25%. If each bottle of pesticide costs Rs.770 and
lasts for seven days and the nursery starts using it
only on the plants planted after the 50th week, the
net income (in Rs.'000s) from the project (net of
pesticide expenses) is:

1]1592.5 2]1725.5 3]2106.5 4]None of these.

22. Forty percent of the members of a singles club are
men. Eighty percent of he single men and 90 percent of
the single women own automobiles. A car is found in
the parking lot. What is the probability that hte car
belongs to a woman?

1]0.8352 2]0.6279 3]0.4869 4]0.5535

23. Three boxes, identical in appearance, each have
two drawers. The first box contains a gold coin in
each drawer. The second contains a silver coin in each
drawer. But the third contains a gold coin in one and
a silve coin in the other. A box is chosen, one of its
drawers opened and a gold coin found. What is the
probability that the other contains a silver coin?

1]1/2 2]1/3 3]1/6 4]1/4

Questions 24-25 are based on the following:

The fewer restricitons there are on the advertising of
legal services, the more lawyers there are who
advertise their services, and the lawyers who
advertise a specific service usually charge less for
that service than lawyers who do not advertise.
Therefroe, if the state removes any of its current
restrictions, such as the ones against advertisements
that do not specify fee arrangements, overall consumer
legal costs will be lower than if the state retains
its current restrictions.

24. If the statements are true, which of the
following must be true?

1]Some lawyers, who now advertise will charge more
for specific services if they do not have to specify
fee arrangements in the advertisements.
2]More consumers will use legal services if there are
fewer restrictions on the advertising of legal
3]If the restriction against advertisements that do
not specify fee arrangements is removed more lawyers
will advertise their services.
4]If more lawyers advertise, lawyers who do not
advertise will also charge less than they currently
charge for those services.

25. Which of the following. if true, would most
seriously weaken the argument concerning overall
consumer legal costs?
1]The state has recently removed some other
restrictions that had limited the advertising of legal
2]The state is unlikely to remove all of the
restrictions that apply solely to the advertising of
legal services.
3]Most lawyers who now specify fee arrangements in
their advertisements would continue to do so even if
the specifications were not required.
4]Most lawyers who advertise specific services do not
lower their fee for those services when they begin to

26.In a certain election only 2/5th of the voters
promised to vote for P and the rest for Q. However on
the day of elections, 15 voters went back on their
promise to P and voted for Q. Similarly 25 voters went
back on their promise to Q and voted for P, P lost the
election by two votes. The number of votes in the
election is

1]90 2]110 3]130 4]None of these.

27. A bath has two taps and a waste pipe. One of the
taps on the ownwould fill the bath in ten minutes, the
other would take a quarter of an hour, the waste pipe
can empty a full bath in exactly seven and half
minutes. Now if we start with an empty bath with both
taps fully on, when (if ever) will the bath be full if
the waste pipe is left open?

1]15 min 2]44 min 3]22.5 min 4] 30 min

Questions 28-30 are based on the following
From exactly seven people- R,S,T,U,X,Y and Z- a
group of exactly four must be selected in accordance
with the following conditions:
If R is selected, T must also be selected.
If S is selected, U must also be selected.
If X and Y are both selected, T cannot be

28. If X and Y are both selected together, which of
the following must also be selected?
1]R 2]S 3]U 4]Z

29. If S and Z are both selected, each of the
following could also be selected except:
1]R 2]T 3]U 4]X

30.If U is not selected, which of the following can
be, not does not have to be, selected?1]R 2]S 3]T 4]X
oracle bit mesraDate: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 08:47:50 -0700 (PDT)



1non-tech (35 min )
2tech ( 30 min )

else for other branches only non-tech part.


Questions 1-3 are based on the following:

In a group there are five persons A,B,C,D and E.
is a sitarist, a
professor and a sports person in thegroup. E is the
husband of a member
of the group.This couple is the only married couple
the group. B is
the brother of C. B is neither a professor nor a
sports person. None of
the women is either a sitarist or a sports person. A
and D are
unmarried and neither of them is a sitarist or a
professsor or a sports person.

1. Which of the following people is E's wife?

1]A 2]B 3]C 4]D

2. Who is a sports person?

1]A 2]E 3]B 4]C

3. Who is a sitarist?

1]B 2]A 3]C 4]D

4. In a factory, 'a' men work 'b' hours a day and
produce 'c' articles
each day. If 'd' men are released, how many hours a
day will the
remaining men have to work to produce 'c'articles each

1]ab/d 2]ab/b 3]a-d/b 4]ab/a-d

5. A county cricket team has won 10 matches and lost
4. If these
matches represent 70% of the matches to be played,
many more matches
should the team win so as to have a record of 75%

1]5 2]6 3]4 4]3

For questions 6-10, read the passage and answer the
questions that

At a time when impressive breakthroughs in
are providing new
and better products and services, when improved
communications are
transforming thw world into a global village, and
when democracies are
sprouting in former communist lands, we are
simultaneously witnessing
events that makie us questioin whether so much
progress is indeed
For example, we see reports of widespread bribery by
Italina and
Japanese government officials, exorbitant salaries
executives in North
America, extensive environmental pollution in
Europe, and other instances of immoral or morally questionable
in our
organizations. In many otherwise prospeous and
cities, we see an increase
in the numbers of homeless people. Even those who
fortunate enough
to have a job find that work is not only not an
opportunity for growth,
but a source of anxiety and insecurity.
In the popular media as well as in academic
we see great
interest in the proposition that business and other
organizations leaders
need to become more responsible not just ot their
stock jolders but also
to other stake holders- consumers, employees,
suppliers,government, and
locla communites.
Put simply, the quality of life and perhaps the
survivial of society
depend on the moral caliber of its members. This
caliber, however,
is largely determined by people in leadership
positions. The way
leaders function in their positions of influence
directly contributes to
strengthening pr weakening the moral fiber or
The lives of Buddha,
Mohammed, Lao-Tzu, Gandhi and Socrates attest to
influence in their own way as well as for all time.
A human being functions not just through the
physical body but also
through the use of the intellect and the will. The
intellect penetrates
those deep levels of reality that are spiritual in
nature but that the
physical senses and processes cannot access. It does
this through
abstract concepts and ideas that help to make sense
of acts in the light of spiritual knowledge. It helps
to make moral
choices in living a spiritually guided life.
How do we describe the concept of spirituality and
place in that
domain? Spirituality is difficult to define in a
manner that is
universally acceptablke because religious beliefs
rites differ widely age to
age and from one society to another. However, if we
analyze the
spiritual experience per se and its behavioral
manifestations among
individuals of different religious backgrounds,
; is much accord on the
understanding and appreciation of the essence of
spirit at three levels:
cognitive, affective, and outward behavior.
At a cognitive level,spiritual experience represents
that,a t the core of human existence, there is set
virtues and vices.
Virtues - prudence, justice, fortitude, and
temperance- are good habits
that enable us to stirve toward relizng our full
potential. Ideally, the
goal of human life is to live these values and
overcome the vices.
At an affective or emotional level, the spiritual
experience represents
a complete trust and dependence on such virtues. In
its most sublime,
the spiritual experience represents a complete
identification with these
values,or with an individual embodying these values,
tha aim being to
achieve some forme of enduring blissful state of
How is the spiritual experience expressed in outward
behavior? What are
the sources of the norms andd principles within the
spiritual domain? Response to such questions generally come from
prescriptions of moral
observance of the laws. It is not a question of an
being legal or
illegal, but whether the act is good or evil. A
morally good act is
necessarily an expression of a spirtual act.
The ability to distinguish between morally good and
evil acts is
critical to the formation of character. Knowing
ehtical principles alone is
of little value unless we make an effort to
incorporate these
principles in our behaviour.
In the final analysis, the reward of the spiritual
experience is that
it enables each individual to grow and fully realize
the tremendous
potential unique to that person. If a good moral
character is of the
and give meaning to th; essence of every human being, thern with
reason does it become
so of leaders who, in the words of Stanford
professor Harold
Leavitt, by their "vision, values, and
e ; determination,
add soul to the


I am a 2004 passout B.E(CSE) Fresher.I had taken the ACCENTURE written test on last sunday.I cleared that.Next was HR Interview + Technical Interview on following days.Acutally Questions for Written test Comprises of1.Aptitude(Analytical(15)+Quantiapps(10)+Mental(10)) = 35 Questions2.Technical (C(20) & C++(20) Questions) = 40 QuestionsFor Aptitude R.S Agarwal is enough to crack this.For technical u have to grill the "Test ur C & C++ Skill" books.Most of the questions r repeated from prev. question paper.In C++,Mostly from Polymorphism,inheritence,virtual functions,constructors.In C,Mostly from scope of variable,pointers,structures.Its quite easy when compare to C++.Go on. Be a Tiger.HR Interview: Its cool and relax round.1.First they will ask u to intro urself.2.Ur strength and weakness.Be clear abt this.3.Ur acheivements4.They are very particular abt the GAPS in our studies.5.Ur Hobbies.6.Why u choose accenture and tell abt it.7.Willing to relocate.(Say Yes &.ready to work anywhere for accenture)Technical Interview: 1.Abt Ur project.(u will be grilled by them)2.Be confidence.(They will check ur temper by asking some questions)3.Abt software development life cycle4.Abt ur interest area in computer field5.Abt memory management in Operating System.6.Abt Unix basic commands7.Abt doubly linked list8.Fibonacci series and palindrome program in C.9.Abt Gates(Be prepare on Digital Circuit Logic Design)10.Abt complier design(phases)11.Abt TCP&IP and OSI Model.12.Abt OOPS concepts.By god grace I cleared all this and i got the Offer letter.So U people can clear this easily.Be Confidence and Be Humble.Every One will have a day.So don't Worry abt ur past.


Infosys Puzzles And Questions of the year 2000-2004
Anna University Campus Recruitment

1.A man is visited by his 7 friends in the following pattern.The first friend visited
every day.The second visited every second day.The third visited every third day and so on
upto 7th friend on every 7th day.When will they all meet together.

2.Every man dances with 3 women and every woman dances with 3 men.And also 2 men have 2
women in common in the party. How many people attended the party?
Ans: 8
3.Two girls go to a shopping. In the first shop they spend half of what they had in their
purse + 2 rupees. Next half of remaining + 5 rs.Next half Of whatremained.The remaining
5 rs spent on coffee.How much did they start with?
Ans: 64.
4. A man spent 1/5 of his life as young boy...,1/7,1/12, and then 5 years upto his sons
birth his son was chosen alderman 4 years ago when he was half the age of the man now.
Find the mans age. ( refer shakuntala devi - puzzles to puzzle u- problem from that -
we dont remember exact figures )
Ans : 84yrs
5. I have 3 rs. and the types of stamps are 2,7,10,15,20 parse. I should buy 6 each
of 2 types
and 5 each of remaining 3 types exactly.What should be the types of stamps in the 5
each lot and 6 each lot?
Ans : 5 each lot: 2,7,15
6 each lot : 10,20
6.A,B,C,D,E denote diff digits.* means multiply. AB * CD = EEE (CD * E)-AB = CC
Then find the digits.
Ans: A,B,C,D,E = 3,7,1,2,4
7.There r some chickens and some chicken field. If we sell 75 chickens Then the
feed will last 20 days longer.If we buy 100 chickens more, then the feed will get
over before 15 days.What is the present number of chickens?
Ans: 300
8.What is the next number in the series:
A : 3,6,13,26,33,66,__
B : 364,361,19,16,4,1,__

Ans: A : 73
B : 1Then we had 2 puzzles of george summers ( or similar) type of 8 marks each.
9.Apples cherries bananas,grapes. 4 girls-robin,mandy,stacy,erica . 4 families
miller,jacob,flure,clark.Each girls uses 3 fruits in her salad.No body have same combination.
1.robin not a miller girl uses apples.
2.miller and mandy uses apples and cherries.
3.clark uses cherries and grapes but flure uses only
one of them.
4. erica is not clark or flure.Then 4 questions asked.
a. Guess robins family:
b. Which fruit not used by mandy?
c. Which combination by erica?
d. Which is robin fruit combination?
10. jane , martha - women Occupations -doctor,lawyer,magistrate,private
detective james,william -me They r sitting around a square table .
bsp; 1.James sat across the magistrate
2.marth sat left to the doctor.
3.a lady was sitting left to the lawyer.
4.jane and william sat together.

1. my sons age in weeks is same as that of my grandson's age in days. my
age in year is same as that of my grandson's age in months. sum of our
ages is 120.
what is my age ?
ans: 72years. please check the values ans is ok.

2. i have five letters and five envelopes with adresses on them. what is
the probabilty that my 4 letters are in right envelops.
ans: 0.

3. what is the time after midnight is nine times the time before midnoon
in minutes.
ans: 10:48 am.

4. a painter paints the floor of dimension 12ft*10ft in one hour. what
time it will take if the dimensions r doubled.
ans: 4hrs. question on tea, coffee and cola.............
ans: half. and twice.

6. Sally and Sue have a strong desire to date Sam. They all ion
truthfully. If I tell you that Sam's number is less than Sue's or
a decides to visit. When she gets there, she finds out she is wrong. This
is not surprising, considering Sam answered only the second question
truthfully. Sue, unaware of Sally's conversation, asks Sam two questions.
Sue asks "Is your house number a perfect cube?". He answers. She then
"Is it greater than 25?". He answers again. Sue thinks she knows where
lives and decides to pay him a visit. She too is mistaken as Sam once
again answered only the second question truthfully. If I tell you that
Sam's number is less than Sue's or Sally's, and that the sum of their
numbers is a perfect square multiplied by two, you should be able to
figure out where all three of them live
ans:55, 64, 81.

7. an artist has seven paintings T,U,V,X,W,Y,Z. he has to put 5 paintings
in the exhibition:
- when T is choosen X is not choosen.
- when V is choosen X must be choosen.
- when U is choosen Y must be choosen.
a, which of the following is fisible combination.
ans: UVXYZ.
b, if Z is not included then which should not be selected.
ans: T.
c, if X is choosen then which should not be selected?
ans: T.
d, don't remember.........
ans: T.

8. one question on game was given. three teams A,B,C were there. each got
two points on a win and one point on a draw. some combination was given
and we were to find the final score and goal made by each.....
later, it was asked who played and won: also goal made by each team was
asked........table was also given.

9. one question on quite tough but answer is:
ans: B, D.

10. very long question and quite tough to remember
a, compass was there in outhouse at 1pm and much more....

2001: RECtrichy
1. A girl has a few eggs. When asked about the number
of eggs, she
says that
if you divide it by 2, then the remainder is 1. If it
is divided
by 3,
then the remainder is 2. If it is divided by 4, then
the remainder
is 3. If
it is divided by 5, then the remainder is 4. What is
the number of
eggs ?

ans : 59 or 119(take HCF and subtract 1) (3 marks)

2. A painter paints the door numbers from 400,
401...499. How many
times he
has to paint 4 ?

ans : 120 (3 marks)

3. Similar to q number 38 of puzzle to puzzle you by
shakuntala devi.

4. Three thieves, Tommy, Bobby & Rocky were caught by
the police.
They say :
"I didn't steal, the other two stole". People later
found that
Tommy was
lying. Who was the thief ?

ans : Tommy (3marks)

5. In a theatre 11 persons go to sit on chairs which
are numbered
vely from 1 to 11. People are ! A,B,C...K. Condition
is that first A
can sit
anywhere and then B sits adjacent to A. Then C can sit
adjacent to
A or B.
In this way, 11 persons have to sit. In how many ways
can they sit

ans : 2 to the power 10. (5 marks)

6. There are 3 persons. A speaks truth only. B speaks
lies only. C
truth or lies alternately, not necessarily in that
order. They
make the
following 3 statements :
i) it has three statements. (don't remember)
ii) it has 2 statements.
iii) it has 2 statements.
Who has said which statement, respectively ?
(5 marks)

7. Three persons, A,B & C are there. One is clerk,
other cashier and
the last
is an accountant. Following conclusions are drawn :
1) If C is cashier, then B is clerk.
2) If C is clerk, then B is accountant.
3) If B is not a cashier, then A is accountant.
4) If ..... is ....., then ..... is ..... (don't
What are A, B and C ?
((6 marks)

! 8. One clock is back by 1 hour. A talks with B.
B says : We meet 11 hours after the clock strikes for
10 seconds
A asks : I hope the duration for each gap is 1 second.
B says : Yes, that's true.
When do they actually meet, if it is 10 O' clock now ?
(6 marks)

9. B & C speak English.
B, C, D speak Spanish.
A, B, E speak French.
C,E speak Italian.
Three people speak Portuguese. Most common language is
One person
knows all 5 languages. One person knows 4. One person
knows 3. One
person 2.
One person 1.
Who speaks what ?
(8 marks) ans:
A :omly 3
B: all 5
c: only 4
d: one only i.e. spanish
e: only two
(a,b,c speak portuguese)
find out the rest for ur self

10.The names of the inhabitants of Walkie Talkie Land
sound strange
to the visitors, and they find it difficult to
pronounce them, due to
their length and a few vowel sounds they contain.The
Walkie Talkie
guide is dis! cussing the names of four inhabitants

-A,B,C and D. Their
names each contain upto eight syllables, although none
of the four
names contain the same number. Two of the names
contain novowel
sounds; one contains one vowel sound; and one contains
vowel sounds.From the Guide's statements below,
determine the number
of syllables and vowel sounds in each of the four
Walkie Talkie names

i) The one whose name contains two vowel
sounds is not A.
ii) C's name does not contain more than one vowel
sound or
fewer than seven syllables.
iii)The name with seven syllables does not contain
exactly one
vowel sound.
iv) B and C do not have names with the same number of
v) Neither the name with five syllables nor the name
seven syllables contains more than one vowel sound.
vi)Neither the name with six syllables, nor the B's
contains two vowel sounds.
( 8 Marks)
ans: names syll vowels
&nbs! p; a 6 0
b 5 1

c 7 0

d 8 2
(check out the answer)

Infosys - Ree
1) if one special ice-cream contains 99% fate free. Then how much ice-cream cup should I eat to get the fate of the same amout as normal icecream.
ans: 100
2) train and cyclist problem of Shakuntala Devi. (slight change in data from Shakuntla so answer is 60 instead of 72)
ans: 60
3) Dale, Lee and Terry problem of George summer.
ans: Dale is Merried Man
4) Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Meson and Mr. Painter are three friends, and There occupation is the same as that of their name but need not in the same order. Following conditions are given.
a. Carpenter is not painter
b. Carpenter is Carpenter
c. Meson is not painter
d. Meson is not Carpenter.
ans: Mr. C-C, Mr. M-M, Mr.P-P.
5) There are six cups placed on a table in straight line. They all are inverted and contain balls of different color inside it. The color of balls are m, r, y, g, o, p
The all cups are numbered from 1 to 6 successively.
There are two conditions given for the sequence of the balls only for three balls. And all 5 options given are to be analysed for the conditions. Three options get deducted by one condition and out of 2 remaining 1 option get deducted by another condition. Very Easy
Ans: Option C
6) In one gym there are 2 kg and 5 kg weights there are total 14 plates. Weight of 2 kg plates and 5 kg plates are same . Tell me the total wt.
ans: 40
7) A farmer grows some vegetables in his farm, Following two condition
1. If he takes the crop of Beans then he also Corn.
2. He takes crop of Kale alternative years.
3. In two years of crops he only takes one crop of Vegetable. Find which of the following is the correct sequence for the successive two years.

there were three options. Sequence I exactly don't remember but it was very simple. Just considering the first two conditions we can cross out the odd options.
Ans : B

8) There are four persons each playing a card game. During this game they have taken the first name as J, M, T, S. and last name as A, B, C, D. During this play first winner takes ten rupees from each. Second one 20 and 3 winner 30 and 4th winner 40. They played only 4 games and exactly each wins once. The sequence was as follow
1) M - is second. 2) S - is 4th 3) A - 1st and 4) c - 3.
now when the game started B was having more money and at the end T was having the more money. Find the full names.
(this sequence is just given for representing the puzzle but the actual puzzle may contain some different name.)

9) PACIFIC + PACIFIC + PACIFIC = ATLANTIC. Each alphabet contains an integer. Find value of P, A, I, C.

1) A man collects cigarette stubs and makes one full cigarette with every 8 stubs. If he gets 64 stubs how many full cigarettes can he smoke. Ans: 8+1=92) A soldier looses his way in a thick jungle. At random he walks from his camp but mathematically in an interesting fashion. First he walks one mile East then half mile to North. Then 1/4 mile to West, then 1/8 mile to South and so on making a loop. Finally how far he is from his camp and in which direction. Ans: Distance travelled in north and south directions 1/2 - 1/8 + 1/32 - 1/128 + 1/512 - and so on = 1/2/((1-(-1/4)) Similarly in east and west directions 1- 1/4 + 1/16 - 1/64 + 1/256 - and so on = 1/(( 1- ( - 1/4)) Add both the answers
3) How can 1000000000 be written as a product of two factors neither of them containing zeros Ans: 2 power 9 x 5 power 9
4) Conversation between two mathematcians: First : I have three childern. The product of their ages is 36. If you sum their ages, it is exactly same as my neighbour's door number on my left. The second mathematician verfies the door number and says that it is not sufficient. Then the first says " Ok one more clue is that my youngest is really the youngest". Immmediately the second mathematician answers . Can you answer the question asked by the first mathematician? What are the childeren ages? Ans 1,6 and 6
5) Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it glow between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am.Ans : 383 + 1 = 384 6) 500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are asked to fall out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming that to their original podsitions that the shortest among each column are asked to fall out. And the tallest among them is B . Now who is taller among A and B ? Ans A 7) A person with some money spends1/3 for cloths, 1/5 of the remaining for food and 1/4 of the remaining for travel.


Date: 13/06/04

1. to enter one’s club the guard asks some password. For the first man the guard told “twelve”, then the man replied “six” and he was let in. then the second man came and guard told “six” and the man replied “three” and he was le in. then another man came, the guard told “ten” and the man replied “five”, but he was not let in. What the man should have told to enter?
A) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 1 ans: b)
2. 1,2,5,10,17,26,__ ans: 37
3. two friends starts to ride motor bike opposite to each other and are separated by 36 km. they both ride with the speed of 6 kmph. A fly travels with the speed of 18 kmph to and fro between two friends. The starts to travel from one of the friends. What is the distance traveled by the fly when the friends meet? Ans: 54 km
4. a frog climbs a wall of 15 ft. it takes 1 hr to climb 3 ft. then it takes rest for 30 min. but while taking rest it slips 2 ft. what is the time taken by the frog to reach the top? Ans: 19hrs
5. the total no. of squares present in

6. total tickets 105, adults---- 2.50/ticket, student------ 1.10/ticket. Total amount = 221.90. find number of adult ticket sold?///76
7. there are 8 flowers and it gets doubled at each temple. To each temple 4 flowers are given. How flowers will be there at the visiting of third temple?
8. there are certain number of apples. If one puts 10 per packet then last packet contains 9, if he puts 9 per packet then last packet contains 8 and so on…. Find the total number of apples? Ans: 2159
9. there was a age and probability problem which I don’t remember

two c programs using pointers
2’s complement of 1
java platform based
when should while loop used
friend function of c++
fscanf get its i/p from which library ?
collection of files in database is called?
which is not a keyword in C a) static b) dynamic c)none
binary representation of hexa number A1 is:
10. the operator which divides number by pow of 2 is: a) >> b) <<
11. the windows componet which manages files and folders is: ans: windows explorer



Online test:Quantitative

Quantitative Section

30 ques in 30 min

1)A fraction in which nr. is 4 less than dr.When 10 is added to the dr the fraction
becomes 1/8.What is the original fraction?

Let nr be x
dr be x+4
fraction x/x+4

on adding 10 to dr

fraction==> x/x+14=1/8 ==> x=2

Original fraction=2/6

Complete the series


final (---------- ) ultimate

a)end b)last c)finish d)dead


nice ( -------- ) punish

6) Data Representation both graph ,pie chart

7)Time & work problem

8)Verbal Reasoning 3 or 4 problems

C QUESTIONS:(30 ques in 30 min)

1) main()
char s[]={‘1’,’2’,’3’,0,’1’,’2’,’3’};

a)123 123

{char *p=”Caritor”;
Ans: aritor ritor

{int K,j;
for(k=0;k<10;k++) str1="="str2)" s="5;">>2);

ans:5 20 1

{int a[2][2]={2,3}

ans: 2300


1.Technical 2.Aptitude

1. what is the size of IPv6 ---16 bytes many possible trees are there such that both preorder and
postorder traversal are same if there
are n nodes in a binary tree ---0

3. four ques were given on error detection and control, like CRC
code,hamming code etc..

4.which protocol is used to convert the ethernet address to IP address
--- RARP

5.which is undeterminnistic network structure among 802.3,802.4,802.5

6. some nodes were given and they are inserted into a binary search
tree, which is the root --- 8

7. which of the two codes executes fast



ans: first code

8. int j=3;
int *p=&j;
printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first on p before *, so
address gets incremented and
garbage value will be there.

9. two questions were asked on doubly linked lists, for deleting a node
like given some piece of code
which is correct.

10. a question on interrupts in OS, what happens when a higher priority
process requests the CPU
when it is servicing a lower priority process

SAMSUNG - iit-guwahati 60 questions 60 min.
Section 1 : 30 aptitude Section 2 : 30 Technical

section 1 :
First 7 questions on Passage. Try to avoid answering
8. No. of trailing zeros in 100! = 22 (check)..
9.No. numbers <= 100 which are not divisible by 2,3,5
: a) 24 b)26 c)29 ans.(check) d) none
10.if a + b + c = 0, then (a^2 + b^2 + c^2)/(ac^2 -
ab) = ? A)0 b) 1 c)-2 d)-2 check ans a)
11.some salary problem. 1/4th of salary for rent,
1/5th of salary for transport remaing deposit.
he deposited rs 50/- then monthly salary ??? ans.
1000/- check..
12.some time & work problem.
a & b can do in 8 days
b & c can do in 12 days
a & c can do in 24 days.
then b can alone do in ??? days
13.some diagrams were given see gre barron book find
shaded area
one square was given in that one 4 circles
inserted. find the area left by ciclrs in the square
ans : 16(4-pi)...
14.Train problem.. find length of train... ans ) 75
15.1mile g cents and m cents extra cost. for 100 miles
cost ?????
16.there is W kg rice in bag. a rat eats r kg of rice
each day. After 25 days what percent of rice was eaten
by rat ??? ans) 2500r/w (check)
17.COSMOPOLITAN word was given. some letters from that
word picked. formed word : option
18.A--B 75% distance travelled at v kmph in T hrs.
remaing distance at S kmph. how much time was taken to
cover remaing distance???
19.some word problem... ORGANISATION...

section : Technical.........
1.Ipv6 --- 16 bytes.
2.multi cast addressing range...
3.subnet was given how many computer can be connected
??? ??
4.RS232C binary 0 ---- +4v (+ve)..
5.socket programming --- select (not related to
socket system calls)
6.HDLc --- a) GO back n b) Go back n-1 c)select
repeat n d)none of the above..
7.piggy backing --- acknowledgements..
8.ATM -- basic question.
9.Max no. of outstanding acknowledgements... a;
static int a;

int fun() { return a;}
static int fun() { return a; }
which of the above 2 statements can't exist in the
same file...
11.some program

extern int i;
print i;
ans ) linker error..
12.Advantage of digital over analog signal ?? digital modulation techniques..
int j=3;
int *p=&j;
printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first
on p before *, so address gets incremented and
garbage value will be there
14.Which is non-deterministic structure a)ethernet
b)802.4 c) 802.5 d)none ans)ethernet check..
15.3 bits on size of structures...
16.Linux --- memory model a) small b)hughe c) flat
d)none. see..
17.Which one does not involve direct recursion..
a) backtracking
b) divide and conquer
c) dynamic programming
d) none of the above..
18. sort time complexity based on
a) No of comparisions
b) no of swaps.
c) no of copies.
d) all of the above (check)...a ans:( )(e)
none of these

7.A and B are two stations 330km apart.A train
starts from A at 8pm.and
travels toward B at 60kmph.another train starts from
B at 9pm. And
travels towards A at 75 what time do they
meet?(a) 11am(b) 12pm
(c) 11.30am ans:(a )(d) 11.45am

8.if you have a sixth sense, it may help you to
solve this one
6 396 2376 1425.6 8.5536 ?(a) 4.5536(b) 2.5536(c)
.513216 ans:(d )(d)

9.20 ? 150 18 11(a) 2(b) 4(c) 6 (d) 8 ans:(c )(e)

int fun() { return a;}
static int fun() { return a; }
which of the above 2 statements can't exist in the
same file...
11.some program

extern int i;
print i;
ans ) linker error..
12.Advantage of digital over analog signal ?? digital modulation techniques..
int j=3;
int *p=&j;
printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first
on p before *, so address gets incremented and
garbage value will be there
14.Which is non-deterministic structure a)ethernet
b)802.4 c) 802.5 d)none ans)ethernet check..
15.3 bits on size of structures...
16.Linux --- memory model a) small b)hughe c) flat
d)none. see..
17.Which one does not involve direct recursion..
a) backtracking
b) divide and conquer
c) dynamic programming
d) none of the above..
18. sort time complexity based on
a) No of comparisions
b) no of swaps.
c) no of copies.
d) all of the above (check)...a ans:( )(e)
none of these

7.A and B are two stations 330km apart.A train
starts from A at 8pm.and
travels toward B at 60kmph.another train starts from
B at 9pm. And
travels towards A at 75 what time do they
meet?(a) 11am(b) 12pm
(c) 11.30am ans:(a )(d) 11.45am

8.if you have a sixth sense, it may help you to
solve this one
6 396 2376 1425.6 8.5536 ?(a) 4.5536(b) 2.5536(c)
.513216 ans:(d )(d)

9.20 ? 150 18 11(a) 2(b) 4(c) 6 (d) 8 ans:(c )(e)

the dress sold for a
net profit of 10 dollars.(2) The dress sold for 50
dollars. ans:( )

14. If X and Y do not equal 0, is X/Y an integer?(1)
X is prime
(2) Y is even ans:( )

15. What is the price of a banana?
(a) 14 banana and 35 oranges cost Rs. 84
(b) with a 50% discount on banana, Rs. 12 can buy 4
bananas and 5 oranges.
ans:( )Analytical Reasoning

In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by
side in a straight
line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it.
The cups are
numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the
balls is painted a single
solid color. The colors of the ball green, magenta,
orange, purple, red
and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the
cups in a manner that
conforms to the following conditions:
The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-
numbered cup than the
orange ball. The red ball must be hidden under a cup
immediately adjacent
to the cup under which the magenta ball his hidden
The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.
16. Which of the following could be the colors of
the balls under the
cups, in order from 1 through 6?(a) Green, yellow,
magenta, red, purple,
(b) Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow
(c) magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange
(d) orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple
(e) red, purple, magenta, yellow, green, orangeans:(
17. A ball of which of the following colors could be
under cup6?(a) Green
(b) Magenta(c) purple(d) red (e) yellow ans:( )
18. If the purple ball is under cup4, the orange
ball must be under(a)
1(b) 2
(c) 3(d) 5(e) 6 ans:( )19. Which of the following
must be true ?
(a) The green ball is under a lower - numbered cup
than the yellow ball.
(b) The orange ball is under a lower - numbered cup
than the green ball.
(c) The purple ball is under a lower - numbered cup
than the red ball.
