Monday, May 12, 2008



Written Test
The written test consists of three sections based on the MCQ pattern. Each section has 30 questions. There is a choice between Section 2 and Section 3 and only one has to be done.Section 1 is based on basic digital electronics. Section 2 is software orientedSection 3 is advanced digital electronics with questions on setup,hold time,clock violation etc.

The written test is followed by a lengthy technical interview. The interview may last upto 1 hour or more. It is entirely technical with questions on all basic fundamentals

Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco provides end-to-end networking solutions. Cisco sells its products in approximately 115 countries .Cisco is one of America's greatest corporate success stories. Since shipping its first product in 1986, the company has grown into a global market leader that holds No. 1 or No. 2 market share in virtually every market segment in which it participates. Since becoming a public company in 1990, Cisco's annual revenues have increased from $69 million in that year to $12.2 billion in fiscal 1999. As measured by market capitalization, Cisco is among the largest in the world.


* Total Duration : 1 hour

Total 3 sections
* First section is COMPULSORY for both Electronics and Computer Science

* Second Section is of Software.

* Third is of Hardware.

* I M P O R T A N T :: ONLY ONE SECTION AMONG 2nd OR 3rd need to be
answered like for you, you will give the answers of Section 2.

* 30 questions in each section

* There was no bound of time for a particular section. You can
devote any amount of time to any section but max. limit is 1 hr for
the whole paper.

First Section : 1. Common to both cs and elec people.
2. total 30 questions and NO negative marking
3. Simple questions on digital logic design, 2's
complement, number representations, flipflops,
microprocessors(8085), Architecture[virtual memory
and small numerical like what will be the size of the
memory if we have given the no. of address bits and
other necessary details].
One question of formal method.

Second Section: 1. Software Section
2. total 30 questions and NO negative marking
3. OS(3-4 qns), Compilers(2-3 qns. on basics),
maximum qns. were of C and Data Structures[trees,
preorder,post,inorder traversals,complexity of
search/sort, suitable data structures etc.]

Third Section : devoted to hardware. i do not have any details as no
computer sc. student appeared for this section.

Regarding CISCO interviews...... they asked about project and some C and
data structures and to some students some basics of networking and OS
questions..... there were 3 panels....... 2 panels for Software and 1 for

Student has to give only one interview in any panel....There was no
separate HR interview.... interview was of generally 25-30 minutes
duration.... 2/3 persons in an interview panel....

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