Monday, May 12, 2008


Place :Dr. L.B.College, :16,17 of july
constraints: 2006 outgoing batch 65% in BE/MCA
No. of Applicants: 1738No. of App. shortlisted in written test:238No. of App. shortlisted in GD:74No. of ppl selected after HR/TECH : 22
The process went as follows I am mentioning it cause ithought it will be some use to u.
On 16 there was only written test. I consisted of 15questions and lasted for 30 min.
It was conducted in 3 batches with 3 diffrent sets ofpapers. (I was in the first batch)
Correct answer : +1wrong answer : - 1/4
some questions I can remember
1. one man was sitting on a pavement and lookin atcarsthe first one was red,second was orange, third wasyellow so what will be the next car?
a: green(vibgyor in reverse)
2. mother and six children combined average age is 22if only children considered the average age get 5 lessso what is the age of mother?
3. Rita's mother is the only daughter of mohan.Samatha is Rita's cousin what is the relation withmohan.(blood relations)
4. some pattern matching
5. 256 20 x 10 12 10 y 6 4 9 8 7 z 5 4 3
what is the values of x,y,z
6. (a)x+y=20 (b)2x+y=y+10what is the value of x
(i) is statement a alone is sufficient(ii) is statement b alone is sufficient(iii) statement a or b is sufficient(iv) statements a and b combined is sufficient(v) given info is not sufficient.
sorry cant rem more
I've answered 14
Exam time : 9.30Results : 4 PM
day = 17========
Today was the second day
==>2nd round is Group discussion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
duration : 10 minno. of participants: 10
Topic: computer usage by children below 12 good or bad
other gd topics:2)Cell phones ban in colleges3)If a lumpsome of money given how would u spend them4)Is china threat of India
No of ppl selected from our batch: 2
there were 4 girls and 6 boys
one guy immediately started the discussion without anyintroduction(hmm i thought of introducing myself butas it had been already started I recited) then two orthree ppl started to argue then (I was the fourth) Ihad some good points so I have put forward but in meanwhile one guy(who initiated) started shouting at everyone. No one was listening to any, so kept mum, everyone is sayin "order in group" one guy was not givingany chance to others, After I put forward thestrongest points I asked a girl who was tryin to speakto put forward her point and lated one guy asked me tospeak(tryin to show his leadership skills i guess)then I talked for a while and asked some other tospeak. every one was arguing and were blunt. It wastotal chaos I did'nt knew what to do 'cause if I shoutit will have a negative impact if I dont no pointswill be awarded. so I have put many of my points Ithought to every one especially those who werelistening.Later the invigilator asked each one of us to conclude
so every one had their chance. each one of us did thatin a sentence One guy who did'nt allowed any one tospeak did it in a paragraph :)that was it.
Me and the guy who spoke long ie the paragraph guywere selected.
time of gd: 9.30time of results: 1.30
Those who were selected in GD were asked to fill aapplication(actually a resume in their format) of allthe details.
==> third round was TECH & HR:

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